
Monday 27 March 2017


We shall talk about the parallels between branding and leadership.slaying your brand methods demand unrelenting grit and authenticity, killer attention to detail, an iron grip on the heart, slick strategies, and a you-can’t-bring-me-down attitude.

Dig up your roots

When we dig up our roots and show them to the world, we begin the journey into ourselves. In return, people feel us and experience who we are in meaningful ways. So take people to the core of yourself and your brand. Show the world where you came from and what your brand is made of, unapologetically. A thoughtful revealing of your story is the ultimate barrier breaker. You don’t need permission to go there.
Expose your emotions
Many leaders believe that showing a sliver of vulnerability would cause them to be seen as unprofessional and weak. They fear the judgment and shame of being who they are and feeling what they feel. Brene Brown, the mother of vulnerability, says that “Vulnerability is the absolute heartbeat of innovation and creativity. There can be zero innovation without vulnerability.” So get vulnerable, let your brand connect on a gut level, and let it be a reflection of your truth. It is a sign of unwavering courage and strength.
Be a Trojan Horse
So many companies launch brands and put ideas into the world prematurely. If you want to make a real dent, don’t compromise for speed by leaking half-done products, shoddy brands, and poorly executed ideas. The image of its embryonic state lingers in people’s minds, blurs their impression, and disappoints them. Put in the time, money, blood, sweat, and tears to craft something fully alive, not something that’s barely breathing. Have the discipline not to bring it forth until it is ready to be seen and experienced in its best light.

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