
Tuesday 2 January 2018


First of all we say Happy New Year From All of Us at Cread Hub Resources,  A personal brand, ultimately offers a unique way to build trust which can lead to customer loyalty and increased revenue.

Today’s modern business differs from the traditional business of yesterday as building a personal brand is one of the most effective marketing strategies you can pursue—especially for a digital business.
We are seeing more businesses being built around personal brands than ever before. From Social Media influencers who are banking millions using their personal brands.
The key to identifying your niche or area of expertise is to become the go-to person in your industry. It doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a guru, you need to build a recognizable personal brand to be able to get:
  • A better job
  • High-paying clients for your company
  • Recognition in your industry
That’s right–I started off my list with “a better job” because even if you are work for someone else, you can focus on building a personal brand to get better opportunities.
The most influential people understand that even if they are employed, they are running their own business of being a personal brand.

Identify and Determine Your Area of Expertise

Envision what you want to be known for, what words people should utter after they hear about you. Are you going to be “the person”, the prankster, or be known as an expert.
In a world where there are a flood of entrepreneurs, being a marketing expert is no longer enough. That is why it’s best to develop a specific niche to build a strong and relevant audience.

Pick a Platform and Double Down

There is no such thing as overnight success; you have to work your way to success. So, if you want to build a personal brand, pick a platform and double down your efforts on it. It can be anything from blogging to making videos on YouTube, or even dominating a social media platform.

Join Emerging Platforms

Emerging platforms are super important for you to pay attention to and you should lookout for. During the first 6 to 18 months of a platform’s life is when you have the opportunity to become a disproportionate voice of that community or platform; these platforms start small and have a lot of affinity with early adopters.
Joining an emerging platform early really gives you the leverage to build a strong brand, and you can score millions of dollars of deals being a personal brand.

Offer Multiple Touch Points to Your Fans and Followers

Sticking to a single platform is not enough if you want to build a personal brand; you also have to be active on other social media platforms.
If you are building a personal brand, you have to offer multiple touch points to your fans or followers because not all your fans will be on a single platform or prefer to connect with you on a single platform.

Be Honest and Authentic

As a personal brand, You have to be transparent and honest with your audience because at the end of the day, you want to build relationships with real people.
Imagine how hard it would be to build a brand around your “fake self” and then have to act fake for so long. It would get exhausting, and eventually you’d let your fans down–and that would make dent in your personal brand. Instead you need to be honest and authentic; real people connect and trust real people. It’s okay to be vulnerable and have failures–in the long run, your personal brand will end up becoming stronger.
Remember these things and start putting an effort into building your personal brand in 2018.

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